Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, “100 Gulden Blatt”, after Rembrandt, incisione del 1956 rilavorata con inchiostro da stampa indiano nel 1987
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, “3rd storey under the earth: room and group of passages heart form”, 1984-87, litografia blu, 53x42 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litografia in rosso e viola, 56x43 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litografia in rosso, arancio e viola, incisione in rosso, verde, blu e viola, 76x58 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litografia in rosso, bordeaux, arancio, verde oliva chiaro, verde, blu e viola, 73x58 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litografia in rosso, verde, blu e viola, 73x58
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litografia in giallo indiano, arancio, rosso, bordeaux, verde e nero, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litografia in giallo indiano, verde chiaro, blu, due ombre di rosso e due ombre di nero, 70x56 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litografia in giallo indiano, verde e due ombra di rosso, incisione in nero, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litografia in rosso e verde, incisione in verde e blu, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litografia in verde cromato e blu, incisione in verde oliva e blu, 70x56
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litografia in giallo indiano e bordeaux, incisione in rosso e verde, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litografia in rosso e verde oliva chiaro, acquaforte in arancio, viola, verde e blu, 77x57/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litografia in verde, rosso, bordeaux e due ombre di rosso-viola, 99x77/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litografia in rosso, bordeaux, rosso-viola, verde e nero, 97x71/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litografia in tre ombre di rosso, 110x777/115x80 cm