Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, “100 Gulden Blatt”, after Rembrandt, etching reworked with Indian and stamping ink, made in 1987
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, “3rd storey under the earth: room and group of passages heart form”, 1984-87, lithograph in blue, 53x42 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litograph in red and violet, 56x43 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litograph in red, orange and violet, etching in red, green, blue and violet, 76x58 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litograph in red, burgundy, orange, light olive-green, blue and violet, 73x58 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio I, 1984-87, litograph in red, green, blue and violet, 73x58 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litograph in Indian yellow, orange, red, burgundy, green and black, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litograph in Indian yellow, green, two shades of red and two shades of black, 70x56 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litograph in Indian Yellow, green and two shades of red, etching in black, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litograph in red and green, etching in green and blue, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litograph in chromic green and blue, etching in olive green, 70x56 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio II, 1984-89, litograph in Indian yellow and burgundy, etching in red and green, 70x56cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litograph in red and light olive green, etching in orange, violet, green and blue, 77x57/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litograph in green, red, burgundy and two shades of violet-red, 99x77/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litograph in red, burgundy, red-violet, green and black, 97x71/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litograph in green, blue, burgundy and two shades of red, 110x77/115x80 cm
Hermann Nitsch, The Architecture of the O.M. Theatre, Portfolio III, 1984-91, litograph in three shades of red, 110x77/115x80 cm